SysSingleton optional properties

See also: SysSingleton GetSystemUrl

Turnkey now checks for filled SysSingleton properties - if found(in StreamingApp_API_Base Open). We strongly suggest you have these as non-persistent to get the desired per-user-session result:

  • SysSingleton.ClientIp:String?, Transient - if found, Turnkey will fill in with ClientIp.
  • SysSingleton.SystemType:String?, Transient - if found, Turnkey will fill in with TurnkeyNetFramework or TurnkeyNetCore.
  • SysSingleton.UserAgent:String?, Transient - if found, Turnkey will fill in with User-agent from the client.
  • From 2023-10-17 we call a method OnCurrentUserChanged if found on SysSingleton whenever the CurrentUser is set or nulled out - this happens when a user logs in our out, for MVC it happens on postback
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See also SHA512ComputeHash,_SHA256ComputeHash_and_BitConverterToString

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