MySQL–notes to support the use of MySQL with MDriven

Hand on heart – I use SQLServer most of the time. When I am asked questions about MySQL, I always need to step out of my comfort zone.

This article can hopefully help me in my efforts with this and be useful to you as well.

  1. Make sure you have MySql installed – the server and not only the connectors – you need both for local work.
  2. Start a cmd window as admin and cd to c:\program files\MySql\MySql server <version>\bin
  3. Start mysql.exe – if asked for a password, it is probably “root”.
  4. You should now have a mysql> prompt
  5. Create a database called my1 : CREATE DATABASE my1;
  6. Use a database called my1: USE my1

Ok – now, we have the database – switch back to MDriven:

We want to use the my1 db:

Mysql - 1.png

Change to PersistenceMapperMySql, and make sure it is used in EcoProject1.PersistenceMapper= PersistenceMapperMySql1, set its connection string to “server=localhost;database=my1;User Id=root;password=root; Charset=utf8”

  • Generate code, if you have not already
  • Compile, if you have not already
  • Then, generate database.

If you get this error:

Mysql - 2.png

… it is due to the SupportsFilteredIndex setting :

Mysql - 3.png

Change it to false.

Another thing that differs from SqlServer is the Top keyword as in “select top 15 * from stuff” is written as “select * from stuff limit 15” in MySQL.

This is fixed by changing these properties of the persistenceMapperMySQL.SqlDatabaseConfig:

SqlTopKeyword – set this to empty string

SqlTopQuerySuffix – set this to limit {0}

like this:

Mysql - 4.png

From today onward, these settings are automatically applied when you press the MySql 5.0 Setup option found here:

Mysql - 5.png

This page was edited 129 days ago on 06/17/2024. What links here