Turnkey session 9: View Override

This is the original generic view we use – use this as a starting point when stirring things up:

@using Eco.MVC
@model AngularModel
@{ Layout = null; }

<h3>{{root._ViewModelPresentation}}</h3> <form > <!--The only reason for having a form is the ability to simulate a postback so that validation is triggered and the error bubbles may show--> <!--Body content--> <div id="floatingRectangle" ng-show='root._Admin.Loading()'> <img src='~/Content/ajax-loader.gif' /></div> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-2" style="vertical-align:top;"> @Html.AngualarUIActions(Model) </div> <div class="col-md-10" style="padding:10px;border-left: lightgray thin solid ;"> @Html.AngualarUI(Model)</div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-offset-2 col-md-10"> @Html.DisplayErrorsWarningsInfos(Model)@*Error,Warning,Info constraints*@</div> </div> </div> </form> @Html.Partial("_DeveloperInfoPartial")

In Session 9 I show how to replace the auto generated UI with html of your own. I show how to include a google map and how to pick up the location of the device using your application.

To make your experience more comfortable, we set the main tags mentioned in the video to the right bar menu of this mini player. Choose the interesting subtitle on the list and immediately get to the exact theme timeplace in the video. Now you can pick any topic to be instructed without watching the whole video.

Create View Override view Override HTML Fine Tuning Adding an input control Style Boxes or combo boxes Tables removing the information complex action: location HTML adding scripts VClientLatitude and vClientLongitude variables Mobile Device UI

This page was edited 92 days ago on 02/10/2024. What links here