About the Index
This index consists of names of concepts. All the concepts in MDriven should be listed in this index. Concepts interlink and use each other in MDriven but HOW they interlink is not visible in the index. The index should link to pages where you find more detailed descriptions.
- The concepts should ideally have links to defining/explanatory pages - but when they do not, the concept is listed in the index as a clue in your search for more information elsewhere.
Three Rings
The index has 3 rings:
- Ring 1 describes the concepts of MDriven in terms of non-MDriven concepts, i.e. no prior knowledge of MDriven is expected/needed.
- Ring 2 describes MDriven concepts in relation to other MDriven concepts, i.e. the reader has the ambition of tying things together to build production-grade information systems and evolve them over long periods of time. This is the level where MDriven boosts information system development the most. This is the main focus area for an MDriven-Developer.
- Ring 2 Meta - describes how to extend and look behind the curtain of an MDriven model.
- Ring 3 describes MDriven concepts in technical detail and ties them to past, existing, and coming modernity, i.e. the reader seeks to understand how things actually work in relation to the non-MDriven world. MDriven projects typically have access to at least 1 person n who is comfortable at this level. You do not need this level on a daily basis in order to solve business problems and deliver high-quality information systems with MDriven.
A concept may be listed under more than one Ring - this reflects different perspectives on the same concept.
Also check out: Bootcamp
Linked Pages
Ring 1
- Information systems
- Information models
- The UML standard
- Object Constraint Language OCL
- ViewModel
- Declarative ViewModel
- User interface (UI)
- User Interaction
- Classes, Attributes, and Relations
- Object-oriented
- State machines
- Agile development
- DevOps (Development and Operations)
- Knowledge building and retention
- Securing knowledge over time
- Domain Driven Design (DDD)
- Model Driven Architecture (MDA)
- Source code
- Databases
- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Micro Services
- Rest
- LowCode / NoCode
- System Gist
- Modernity
- Fashion
- Information security
Ring 2
- MDrivenDesigner
- UML in MDriven
- Class Diagrams
- Declarative ViewModels
- Action Buttons
- ViewModel Actions
- Class Actions
- Global Actions
- OCL, OCL-PS, and ActionLanguage
- To Evaluate expressions and expression results
- PSEval
- Rooted vs. Un-rooted ViewModels
- Seekers
- ValueStore pattern
- AutoForms
- UI-First
- State Diagrams
- State transitions, triggers, and guards
- Methods
- Derived attributes and associations
- Reverse derived
- Constraints
- Validation rules
- Opt out Actions
- MDrivenServer
- Prototyping
- MDrivenFramework
- MDrivenTurnkey
- Evolve Database
- OpenDocument reports
- Expose REST API
- Consume REST API
- Tajson
- Transform
- Clone
- Generate c# Code
- CodeDress
- AssetsTK
- StylesInModel
- Access Groups
- Model-patterns
- SysSingleton and SysUser Model pattern
- SysAsyncTicket Model pattern
- ServerSide jobs
- PlacingContainer - responsiveness
- OCL Debugger
- MDrivenPortal
- Cross reference and Rename
- Versioning
- Processes and Enterprise Architect information
Ring 2 Meta
- ModelLayer model
- TaggedValues
- Tag extensions
- Model debugger
- Model Plugin declarative
- Model Plugin with code
Ring 3
- SQLServer
- DatabaseCompact
- SQLite
- VistaDB
- XMLPersistence
- Building custom PersistenceMappers
- IIS on windows
- Azure WebApplication
- OAuth and Social Login
- AngularJS
- .netFramework, .netCore, .net6
- Nuget
- usercss.css
- Turnkey components
- View override
- Tagexpander
- Custom ORMapping
- Reverse database to model
- Migrate data
- Parent, Own, and Child table mapping
This page was edited 27 days ago on 02/27/2025. What links here