
MDriven Server (and TurnkeyServer) adapts by looking at incoming requests to discern its own address.

In certain situations, this is not desirable.

One example is if you have the application behind a load balancer or reverse proxy, and the load balancer pings your app with an address that is not the desired server address.

This could lead to your app getting confused as to what its true URL should be.

To mitigate this, you can create an App_Data/HardServerUrl.xml file with content like this:

<root HardServerUrl="https://theaddressyouwantyourapplicationtohaveWhenWeTalkToTHISInstanceAndAvoidTheLoadBalancer"></root>

When setting the HardServerUrl in systems that also use Turnkey, you should(possibly) also make sure the Turnkey uses the proper URL to MDrivenServer by setting the MDrivenServerOverride.xml settings.

SignalR issue: Setting HardServerUrl for the TurnkeyApplication affects the SignalRConnection. You may be required to make your application find itself under the local server address rather than some reverse-proxy address used in calling it.

This functionality is available in builds from 2019-04-17.

You can verify that the HardServerUrl is in effect by checking the log after start-up in MDrivenServer and Turnkey versions after 2022-04-28:

2022-04-28 11:41:30,773 [9] INFO - <path>\App_Data\HardServerUrl.xml NOT found - App url is unchanged: https://localhost:44368


2022-04-28 11:41:30,773 [9] INFO - <path>\App_Data\HardServerUrl.xml found and applied:  https://localhost:44368

See also: Additional considerations with load balancing Turnkey and MDrivenServer

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