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This page was edited 25 days ago on 05/08/2024. What links here
MDriven Designer
MDriven Designer Overview
"MDriven designer overview Part 1"
"OCL Editor, system prototyper and ViewModel"
"MDriven Designer Overview part 3"
"MDriven designer overview Part 4"
"Part 5 Searching in databases"
"Part 6 openDocument reports"
"Part 7 Files and images in reports and UI"
"Part 8 Link Objects association classes"
"Part 9 MDriven Turnkey, cloud tools and access groups"
"Part 10 MDriven Designer Overview. Actions and navigation"
"Part 11 ViewModel Designer Updates"
"Actions And Viewmodels, MDriven Designer"
"Actions Overhaul"
"Database download and upload"
MDriven Designer Pages
"Adding or removing tagged values in your model - using the model debugger"
"AutoForms–get more with less faster"
"Barcode - on Android - with Xamarin and MDriven"
"Catching more information in your model"
"Check model error"
"Creating CustomControl that Shows Data in a Gantt Chart"
"Custom controls in ViewModel aided Views"
"Delayed Fetch"
"Derivation expressions"
"Derived settable attributes"
"Diagrams in Diagrams"
"Enumerations in Modlr"
"Exception starting"
"Making sense of legacy data–DB Reverse"
"Material Design Icons"
"MDriven Designer and Modlr extensions–exporting data"
"MDriven Designer–a new Rename function to save you time"
"MDriven In Xamarin"
"MDriven Movie Theatre Part 1"
"MDriven Movie Theatre Part 2"
"MDriven turnkey Face - theme - styles - fashion"
"Modlr plugin"
"Moving your work from MDriven Designer to MDriven Framework"
"Object Identity"
"OCLOperators stateMachineForceMode"
"Plugins in Modlr"
"PopUp action"
"Property inspector"
"Simulate login"
"Snippets–the productivity booster"
"Starting MDriven Designer from the portal"
"State Diagrams"
"Styling WPF Applications and ViewModels"
"Text formatting"
"UI First–or information first?"
"Updates to AutoForm and Debugger after latest feedback"
"Upload model in MDrivenDesigner"
"Using WECPOF in runtime"
"WECPOF Goodies"
"WPF Debugger"
MDriven Framework
MDriven Framework Pages
"Api documentation"
"Code generation"
"Codegen Issues .net standard"
"Constructor in generated code"
"Debug CodeDress"
"Evolve db with code"
"First MDriven Framework project"
"MDriven Framework Visual Studio installation"
"Unity 3D and MDriven"
"Using different WCF Bindings with Enterprise Core Objects – ECO – MDriven framework"
"WinForms MDrivenFramework"
"Working with legacy Handles"
MDriven Server
"MDriven Server Introduction"
"MDriven Server - Connecting To"
"MDriven Server User/Web interface"
"Moving from legacy ECO to MDrivenServer"
Possible problems and how to fix them
"MDrivenServer, Lost password or locked out"
MDriven Server Pages
"AppPool user"
"Automating deployment of Turnkey and MDrivenServer on IIS"
"Change password MDriven Server"
"Communication between MDrivenServers"
"Deploy Turnkey on your own Azure with OneDrive"
"Duplicate IDs in the database"
"Emailing from an app using MDrivenServer"
"Fill in the email settings in the admin UI"
"Installation of MDriven Server on Windows 7 Enterprise"
"MDriven Server problem with evolve"
"MDrivenServer log"
"MDrivenServer Slack web hook"
"MDrivenServer with Windows authentication"
"MDrivenServer, opening the built-in database"
"No suitable constructor found"
"Purpose of History Server"
"Server Wide Variables"
"Serverside actions"
"Setting up a History slave"
"Slave and History Server"
"Slave server in action"
"SQL not trusted"
"SysAsync package"
"SysSingleton GetSystemUrl"
"The anti-forgery token could not be decrypted"
"Troubleshooting Turnkey deployment"
"Turnkey and MDrivenServer logs"
"Use SqlServer"
"WSL Windows subsystem for Linux"
MDriven Turnkey
Tutorial Videos
"Starting with MDriven Turnkey"
"Types, Images, Value Stores, Pick Lists"
"Turnkey Session 3: Opting out Actions"
"Turnkey Session 4: ViewModel Validation"
"Turnkey Session 5: How to Access the Logged in User. AccessGroups"
"Turnkey Session 6: SocialLogin"
"Turnkey Session 7: Expressions"
"Turnkey Session 8: CSS"
"Turnkey session 9: View Override"
"Turnkey Session 10: Report"
"Development in Visual Studio"
"Plugins in Turnkey"
"Turnkey Treeview"
"MDriven Turnkey Core"
MDriven Turnkey Pages
"A Trello like Board In MDrivenTurnkey"
"Calling your own c - sharp .net things from Turnkey–server side"
"Connecting javascript SinglePageApplications to Turnkey (SPA)"
"Development info in runtime"
"Excel Plugin Function"
"External login services in MDriven Turnkey"
"Fashion with tagexpander"
"Faster prototyping with Turnkey"
"Getting safe–limited–meta information from a Turnkey app"
"Google Analytics in Turnkey app"
"Google Map with Turnkey"
"Google tag manager"
"Hosting turnkey on my own Azure account"
"How to access your Turnkey site with FTP"
"How to install Turnkey Excel plugin"
"Introducing MDriven Turnkey"
"Javascript calling Turnkey rest"
"Layout and CSS"
"Log in with code"
"MDriven Turnkey Architecture"
"MDriven Turnkey Series"
"MDriven Turnkey theming"
"Memory optimization"
"Not able to start"
"Openid AzureAD"
"OpenIdConnect access token and refresh token"
"Overriding AngularJS MDriven Turnkey Views"
"QR and barcode"
"QR-Code to drive a workflow in any MDriven turnkey app"
"Receive post data not known at design time"
"Render data as html"
"Render MVC ViewModel without turnkey"
"Rendering the MDriven Turnkey application yourself"
"Scaling out Turnkey on Azure"
"Serverside Turnkey and MVC functioning"
"Set up MDriven Turnkey on premise"
"Set up new Turnkey site"
"SHA512ComputeHash, SHA256ComputeHash and BitConverterToString"
"Size in Images in Turnkey"
"Streaming Client"
"SysSingleton optional properties"
"Theme and style"
"Theme as data"
"Time zones and sanity–post for future reference"
"TinyMCE editor"
"Turnkey App Current state: Paused"
"Turnkey Client Timeout"
"Turnkey debug"
"Turnkey email settings"
"Turnkey extra meta tags"
"Turnkey local development tips"
"Turnkey MVC Controllers"
"Turnkey reload automatically on script change or style change"
"Turnkey sample Board Map Balls Gantt"
"Turnkey sample Empty start model"
"Turnkey sample ProjectPlanner"
"Turnkey sample ProjectPlanning"
"Turnkey Session 11: More on View Override"
"Turnkey Styling"
"Upload/Download files and images in MDriven Turnkey"
"Use c-sharp code to post to TurnkeyRest"
"View/Page override"
OCL Video Tutorials
"Part 1 OCL Common Expressions"
"Part 2 OCL: Operators"
"Part 3 OCL: Derivation Properties"
‏OCL Operators
"Mathematical symbols"
"OCL Operators"
"OCL Operators append"
"OCL Operators excludesAll"
"OCL Operators exists"
"OCL Operators flatten"
"OCL Operators prepend"
"OCL Operators sortedBy"
"OCLOperators add"
"OCLOperators addReturnIndexOf0"
"OCLOperators ApplyTaJson"
"OCLOperators asCommaList"
"OCLOperators asSeparatedList"
"OCLOperators Bag"
"OCLOperators base"
"OCLOperators Base64ToBlob"
"OCLOperators BlobToBase64"
"OCLOperators CanExecuteAction"
"OCLOperators casetruefalse"
"OCLOperators changePoints"
"OCLOperators clear"
"OCLOperators concat"
"OCLOperators Contains"
"OCLOperators deepclone"
"OCLOperators DiscardChanges"
"OCLOperators ExecuteAction"
"OCLOperators ExecutePS"
"OCLOperators ExecuteQueryPlan"
"OCLOperators foreach"
"OCLOperators formatDateTime"
"OCLOperators GetGridAsTabSepData"
"OCLOperators ImportTabSepData"
"OCLOperators inDateRange"
"OCLOperators insertAt"
"OCLOperators Intersection ( bag : Bag(T) ) : Set(T)"
"OCLOperators Intersection ( set : Set(T) ) : Set(T)"
"OCLOperators JSonToObjects"
"OCLOperators maxLength"
"OCLOperators MergeTaJson"
"OCLOperators Navigate"
"OCLOperators notNull"
"OCLOperators objectTimeStamp"
"OCLOperators oclSingleton"
"OCLOperators OnDelete"
"OCLOperators OnStateChange"
"OCLOperators opendocumentreportasblob"
"OCLOperators opendocumentreportshow"
"OCLOperators Parse"
"OCLOperators PSEval"
"OCLOperators PSEvalValue"
"OCLOperators QRImage"
"OCLOperators Refresh"
"OCLOperators RemoteTurnkeyConnectGetSessionKey"
"OCLOperators RemoteTurnkeySetStringValue"
"OCLOperators removeAt"
"OCLOperators RestDownload"
"OCLOperators RestGet"
"OCLOperators RestPost"
"OCLOperators RootObject"
"OCLOperators RunServerSideViewModelNow"
"OCLOperators scripteval"
"OCLOperators scriptevalcheck"
"OCLOperators Set"
"OCLOperators setToNull"
"OCLOperators ShowActionMenuForCurrentInNesting"
"OCLOperators sqlLike"
"OCLOperators sqlLikeCaseInsensitive"
"OCLOperators sqlpassthrough"
"OCLOperators stateMachineTrigger"
"OCLOperators StringToBase64"
"OCLOperators strToInt"
"OCLOperators SuspectExternalUpdateInvalidate"
"OCLOperators SymmetricDifference ( set : Set(T) ) : Set(T)"
"OCLOperators timeStampToTime"
"OCLOperators timeToTimeStamp"
"OCLOperators transform"
"OCLOperators Union ( bag : Bag(T) ) : Bag(T)"
"OCLOperators Union ( seq : Sequence(T)"
"OCLOperators Union ( set : Set(T) ) : Set(T)"
"OCLOperators ViewModelAsJSon"
"OCLOperators ViewModelAsXml"
"OCLOperators whentrue"
"OCLOperators XHtmlReportAsString"
"OCLOperators XmlValidateWithSchemas"
"OCLOperators XsltTransformXml"
"OCLOperatorsSize () : Integer"
"The ExternalId explained"
"ToInteger () : Integer"
"How to use the ExecutePS function in selfVM"
"OCLps Example"
OCL Pages
"A few words on linq"
"Acting on object changes"
"Case sensitive or not"
"Char to int and back"
"Collect very slow"
"Collection of strings"
"Convert string to bytes"
"Creating numeric types"
"Custom types and custom operations in OCL"
"Default String Representation and asString"
"Escape codes"
"Examples on collection operators"
"Number conversions"
"Object is already deleted"
"OCL by example"
"OCL Expressions"
"Ocl hex to dec"
"OCLOperators oclIsInState"
"OCLOperators Sequence"
"Regular expressions"
"Set vs bag"
"Split time string to value"
"State value as a string"
"Statemachines forcing your hand even if you are admin"
"Understanding OCL with reference to SQL"
"Unique constraints on 1 to 1 links"
Documentation Categories
"Act as For Actions"
"Action Controls"
"Action must have a name"
"Dragging and DragDrop Actions"
"Global actions"
"Periodic action"
"Standard actions"
"Swipe Actions"
"Web client actions in tables"
"AngularJS Client"
"Improved routes"
"Ng-click ( ngClick ) not working"
"Pivot tables"
"Styling and CSS for Bootstrap, Angular and MVC"
"Build Enterprise Information Systems"
"Complexity shows up almost immediately–get the tools to manage it"
"Different types of bugs"
"Enterprise architect information"
"Model Driven"
"Reality and the theoretical best model"
"Derived settable associations"
"Let and Derived associations"
"Missing Set button in Autoform single link"
"Trust and Guarantee"
"Modulus math"
"Namespace in generated code"
"Not available for Offline object"
"Store complaint handling‏‎"
Content Override
"EXT Components"
Data types
"Data types"
"Database corruption"
"Migrating Data Between Databases"
"Recreate the SQL database"
"Seeing everything that is persisted"
"Validate data in the database"
"Debugging MDrivenServer Serverside actions"
"Finding angular scope from javascript"
"Import Data"
"Threading bug"
"Derivation is not available in the database"
Development Suggestions
"Developing custom HTML code without uploading the model"
"Calling base class"
"EAL – ExtendedActionLanguage"
"Practical expressions to get insights into your model content"
"Setting all model classes to use AutoInc as PrimaryKeyMapper"
"Ever felt the need to log what your ECO persistence server is up to?"
Error messages
"Cannot insert duplicate key row in object"
"Code generation not working"
"SSL/TLS settings"
"String attribute overflowing"
"Unknown valuetype"
"IIS application restart problem"
"IIS Express"
"IIS troubleshoot"
"Turn on websocket in IIS"
"Using JSON or XML as class template"
"Further Linq enhancements"
MDriven Services‏‎
"Charge end user"
"Starter Kit"
"Support options"
"Getting started template for MDriven MVC"
"MVC Generated ViewModel UI in MDrivenFramework"
"MVC GetImage"
"MVC View Model constraints"
"MVC View Model handling"
"Timedout viewmodel‏‎"
"Navigating without user interaction"
"Redirection page"
"Simple URLs and Azure redirect"
"Type mapping, OR-Mapping"
"Working with Code and Persistence Mapping"
"Bindings for angular"
"I accidently pushed upload model instead of download model–help"
"New site request to host app at MDriven"
"Stable vs Canary builds"
"Creating reports for an application"
"Documtr and XPS"
"Serverside PDF"
"Rest Delete"
"Rest Patch"
"Rest Post"
"Rest Put"
"Rest Services In MDriven"
"Change tracking help SQL"
"How your classes are stored in the SQL database when using MDriven"
"MySQL–notes to support the use of MySQL with MDriven"
"Other PMappers"
"Possible file version mismatch detected between ADO.NET Provider and native binaries of SQL Server Compact"
"SQL Database"
"SQL Server change tracking"
"SQLImport multiple tables with associations"
"Search result pages"
"Seek form (web)"
"Tables, search and ordering"
"Authenticate with a jwt"
"External login screen problem"
"Fault-finding certificate problems in IIS"
"Hide Password login"
"High or low exposure to risk"
"How does OpenIdConnect work"
"Lets encrypt"
"OpenID config"
"Sign client rest request with certificate"
Tagged Values
"Auto save"
"Column.Angular Ext Component"
"Getting taggedvalues in runtime without code"
"Important TaggedValues for MDriven Turnkey Web-UI is found Here"
"Important TaggedValues for MDriven WPF Fat client"
"Tagged values in the Designer"
"Customizing login and other account ui MVC"
"Edit in Grid"
"Adding a link object"
"Business Delete Rules"
"Ditch Sparx today"
"UML School"
Validation rules
"ViewModel validations"
ViewModel Editor‏‎
"Table Grid Column Style"
View Model
"Analyze ViewModel classes and expressions"
"Breaking changes"
"Comboboxes with strings"
"Cursored or Full Tree"
"Databind labels in ViewModels"
"Databound Placeholder text"
"Declarative ViewModels and Taborder"
"Explaining “The ViewModel does not require a root object” warning"
"How Null is represented in your picklist"
"How to use vCurrent and “self” correctly in viewmodels"
"Import xml and JSon with MDriven"
"Index page"
"JsonToObject vs Tajson"
"Multiple file upload component"
"RestAllowed UIAllowed"
"SOAP the protocol from the stone age"
"The combobox"
"The VMClassId Explained"
"VCurrent and vSelected"
"ViewModel access and security‏‎"
Visual Studio‏‎
"Logging what MDriven does"
"Visual Studio"
"Visual Studio 2022"
"Visual Studio Code"
"Visual studio doesn't open model file"
"Visual Studio Templates"
"DataGrid filters"
"Windows WPF client"
"WPF menu shortcut keys"
"Add logotype and favicon"
"Hide Main menu or left menu"
"Logged in Person presentation"
"Maintenance page"
"MDriven Stylesheet"
"SignalR and Realtime‏‎"
This page was edited 25 days ago on 05/08/2024. What links here